Growth Syndicate

Executive Mastermind

A business owner may be feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or limited in their current situation. They may be seeking growth, new strategies, and fresh perspectives to take their business to the next level. Joining a mastermind can provide them with the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from experienced professionals, and gain valuable insights and support to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Reach Your 'Unreachable'

You have accomplished much. Personally & Professionally. But you have this feeling deep down. You've still got more to do.

Growth Syndicate is made up of like-minded Owners & Executives. Those wanting to achieve more. Those willing to receive and share more.

Growth Multiplied

  • Leadership development

  • Business Growth

  • Personal transformation

  • We hit growth from all angles here. Nothing is off-limits. The Growth Syndicate is a safe place to share your struggles and celebrate your victories

Real Talk. Real Solutions.

Nothing Changes Until Something Changes.

We believe that coaching is an investment. Not an expense. Like any good investment, there needs to be a positive ROI. The goal of this Mastermind is for each member to identify, plan & execute, and ultimately exceed their goals.

Make Progress- Not just plans.

What is the time commitment?

Time Commitment

60 - 90 minutes

Once a month(depending on group size)

50 minutes

Once a month with Coach Brad 1-on-1

2 hour - quarterly session

Cost Commitment

$1,000 - (3 months)

Fee includes any books and videos, as well as other resources such as software.

Meet the coach.

My name is Brad Koch (cook). I am a full-time Business Coach here in Birmingham.

Some Background

I have an MBA and undergrad in Finance.

I have 2 coaching certifications.

Previous to my coaching practice, I spent 30 years in the Printing/Publishing space. Working through virtually every position.

Started and Sold a business.

Was a partner in another.

Ran a $75MM business.

I am a veteran of The United States Marine Corps.

I've been part of Executive Agenda. A Business Mastermind for Executives.

The magic in Masterminds is recruiting the RIGHT people.

This is the stage we are in. If you have some interest but would like to chat more with questions, please click the button below.

The ideal group size is somewhere between 7-10.

If you know of someone who you think might be a great addition, please ask them to contact me.